Grapevine Newsletters

Grapevine Archives

2015 Articles

Previous issues of the Grapevine will be available for download in this section and will be organized by month and year. If there are issues that you would like to see that are not available here, or if you would like copies of the previous newsletter please contact

Here you will find the archived 2015 Grapevine Newsletters.


Have an Article for Grapevine/MySelkirk?

As part of promoting the usage of MySelkirk, the Grapevine Newsletter has transitioned into a summary of the latest updates on MySelkirk.

If you have an internal news update, internal event, operational update, exceeding expectations, have you met, a movin & a shakin, kudos, celebrating the learner, and our social campus please submit a web content request.


>> MySelkirk Submission Request