Operational Updates

Aanyta Fahrenbruch Named Department Head, Teaching & Learning Centre

It is my pleasure to announce that Aanyta Fahrenbruch has accepted the temporary full-time appointment of Department Head for the Teaching & Learning Centre (TLC). Aanyta will be replacing Theresa Southam while she is on an assisted leave from August 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024.

Aanyta has been an educational developer for the TLC for the last 2.5 years and has done an exemplary job supporting individual instructors and programs in a number of capacities including course and program design, curriculum mapping, PIDP facilitation and contributing to the scholarship of teaching and learning. 

Aanyta brings years of experience as an early childhood practitioner and educator at which time she was integral to course and program development. She has also held a number of formal and informal leadership roles throughout her professional life.

Congratulations Aanyta, we all look forward to working with you in this new role.



Tammie Clarke, RN, BN, MA, CCNE (she/her)

Dean, School of Health and Human Services, Teaching and Learning Centre
