
Trail Campus Door Replacement Project Update

The college is pleased to announce that the Trail Campus Door Replacement Project is nearing completion. With this milestone, we are implementing new door access schedules that align with security presence on campus as of January 2, 2025.

New Door Access Schedule:

Helena Street Door

  • Unlocked: 7:30 am to 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday
  • Fob access required outside these hours

Charles Bailey Theatre Doors

  • Unlocked: 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday
  • Also unlocked one hour before show times until 30 minutes after show start

To maintain efficient traffic flow, we kindly request that employees and students continue to use the Helena Street entrance or the accessible door, rather than the Charles Bailey Theatre entrance.

FOB Access:

  • If you haven't received your new FOB, please see Nella or Kerry for assignment
  • If you have a grey AWID fob from another campus and need Trail Campus access added, please email with the fob number found on the back
  • For student FOB requirements, please contact so we can coordinate distribution in alignment with other campus protocols

We appreciate your cooperation during this transition.
