Student Engagement Survey Launches Next Week
Please Encourage Students to Participate!
—From the desk of Ashley Engel, Manager, Institutional Research
The 2025 Student Engagement Survey launches on Monday, January 27, and will be open to current students until February 14.
Students will receive an email invitation and weekly reminders. Please encourage students to participate. In past years, instructors have graciously provided 10-15 minutes of class time to complete the survey, resulting in amazing response rates!
The Student Engagement Survey is the most significant opportunity for students to provide feedback on their experience at Selkirk College. It provides data on why and how they chose Selkirk College and their experiences at the college and in the classroom. It helps to inform the institution and individual programs about what we are doing well and areas of improvement.
The Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills mandates performance targets such as quality of education and student satisfaction with education. The Student Engagement Survey provides us with an annual opportunity to assess these targets.
We appreciate the significant effort the college community, particularly instructors, provides to encourage students to participate. The higher the response rate, the stronger the data!