
New Policy: Institutional Communications and Brand Stewardship

Supporting Procedures Are Being Updated 


—From the desk of Maggie Matear, President

We’ve recently approved Policy 2500: Institutional Communications and Brand Stewardship. This policy builds institutional legitimacy and protects our reputation by presenting the college as an integrated whole while still providing a distinctive brand promise for learners. 

This policy also helps to prepare the college for a new strategic plan and upcoming brand refresh by clarifying the college brand, including the visual identity, and how it is expressed. The broad external consultation we held supporting the new strategic plan revealed a need for the college to become more focused and coordinated to expand its reach and reputation. 

The college now begins the work of updating supporting procedures to bring this policy into our operations. 

Defining the college brand and aligning institutional communications with our values, commitments and mission requires considering big questions about our role and identity.

Much of the feedback we received on the policy pertained to this—read the comments and responses

I look forward to continuing this meaningful work together. 
