Introducing the New Strategic Plan
Selkirk College has a new strategic plan! Land, Learning and Legacy: Our Path to 2040 is a long-term strategy that will establish Selkirk College as a distinctive learning destination. It will further enhance our ability to live our values and commitments. And it will help us attract more domestic students from outside the region, which we know must be one of our main priorities over the next five years.
The Board of Governors approved the plan at its November 26 meeting, and the final version was introduced over lunch with college and union leadership on December 9.
This plan is a little different from the way we’ve done strategic planning in the past. It’s a longer time horizon, for one thing, and it’s been designed for maximum flexibility—instead of a list of tasks, it’s a list of guidelines that will inform our operational plans and decisions. That way, we can more easily respond to changing circumstances in our external environment.
We will formally launch the new strategic plan to our community in the new year. We will share the new plan by refreshing our website and sharing a news story. There will be an option to print a condensed version that includes the vision, mission, strategic dimensions and tactics to share with external partners. We hope you will share this exciting path forward with your networks.
The plan we’re sharing with you today is mainly meant for us internally. It describes what we’ll do to reach our vision and what the words in the vision and mission actually mean.
We encourage you to take a few minutes to read it to get a good sense of how we arrived at the plan and what it could mean for us going forward.
Thanks again for the insights, ideas and feedback that helped make this plan a reality.