Sweater Day at Silver King
On February 5 on the Silver King Campus, wear a sweater to show your commitment to energy conservation. Help us do our part for the planet!
A Sweater is Better
- Join us during the lunch hour for FREE fair trade warm beverages (bring your own mug!)
- Sweater photobooth!
- Take a photo of you in your sweater, share and tag it -- #SustainableSelkirk and #SelkirkCollege
- Take the energy conservation pledge to be entered to win prizes!
A big thank you to FortisBC for supporting this event!
Cool Campus Challenge
Selkirk College is taking part in the BC Cool Campus Challenge, a province-wide initiative to reduce natural gas use this heating season. Learn more about the Challenge here and use the #BCCoolCampus on social media.
Let’s work together towards a Sustainable Selkirk!
Small Changes. Big Impact.
On Sweater Day 2017, Selkirk College saved 11.3 GJ of energy. That's almost a 25 per cent reduction for one day. We saved over a half of a metric tonne of CO2e from being emitted into the environment! That's equivalent to taking a vehicle off the road for a month and a half!
Heating accounts for 80% of residential energy use in Canada and is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions.
If all Canadians lowered their thermostats by just two degrees Celsius this winter, it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about four megatons – that’s equivalent to shutting down a 600 megawatt coal-fired power station or taking nearly 700,000 cars off the road!
Since 2010, over a million Canadians have participated in National Sweater Day at their schools, workplaces and homes. Learn more at National Sweater Day.