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Selkirk College Co-sponsors Clean Energy Economy Forum

Possibilities for community investing in clean energy


On April 6 from 7 to 9 p.m. people involved in building our future economy will be featured speakers at the forum, “Possibilities for community investing in clean energy."

Eden Yesh, with Kootenay Employment Services of Invermere recently helped form a Community Investment Co-op in Creston. Trish Dehnel, with the Community Energy Association talks about how to take advantage of new policies to reduce our energy consumption and shift to clean energy.  

“The goal of the forum is to highlight positive examples of what is possible to help create a renewable energy future,” says Madelyn MacKay, one of the key organizers. “Our hope is to inspire local ideas and initiatives.”  

Additional speakers will talk about existing community energy cooperatives and community investment cooperatives. We will also hear about the changing landscape in global investments from fossil fuels to renewables, and the job potential of the new energy economy. And we will learn more 100 per cent renewable energy campaigns, both local and around the world. 

This is the third forum in the investing in clean energy series being organized by a group of community members interested in creating a better and more secure world for our children and grandchildren. 

 “There’s lots of exciting news lately,” says Laura Sacks, one of the event coordinators. “For example, $5 trillion has now been divested from fossil fuels, and last year one in 50 new jobs in the United States was in the solar industry.  However, the pace of change needs to accelerate if we want to address the urgent issue of climate change.”   

The earlier forums were well attended, so plan to arrive early. Seating is limited to 60.

The event is co-sponsored by Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce, Nelson Chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Selkirk College’s Mir Centre for Peace, West Kootenay EcoSociety, Community Energy Association, Nelson and District Credit Union, and Upper Columbia Cooperative Council. 

Everyone welcome, by donation

For more information, contact Madelyn MacKay at 250-505-4122 or

Laura Sacks at