Events & Important Dates


Aboriginal Services Elders Host Training

Support the Elders and Knowledge Keepers on Campus


Selkirk College is fortunate to have Elders from our community attending the Gathering Place and working with faculty and staff on campus. 

Aboriginal Services wants to ensure that Elders are confident in attending our spaces ensuring hosts will support them. Anyone wishing to work with Elders on Campus is welcome to attend the Elders Host Training with Leah Lychowyd, Aboriginal Access and Support Assistant.

This training will take place on Monday, October 2 at 4:30 p.m.

It would be great to see representatives from across the various schools in attendance, so that we can collectively make our best efforts to support the Elders and Knowledge Keepers that we ask to come to Selkirk College in a consistent and culturally appropriate ways.

For more information please contact Leah Lychowyd.

Learn more about Aboriginal Services at Selkirk College.