Teaching & Learning Centre

Curriculum Renewal

Training and Support for All Selkirk College Instructors

Drawing Connections

In 2013 the college reignited the program outcome process – a process that was embraced at the college over 15 years ago! Based on Ruth Stiehl and Les Lewchuk’s series on outcomes, Selkirk College worked with sixteen programs to create outcomes with staff and external advisory groups, map the outcomes to course curriculum and create program guides for students.

Here’s an article that gives an overview and explains why this process is so important to 21st Century learning. Tools for Building an Outcomes-Based College Curriculum

Here is a virtual network of educators working in colleges on outcomes

Course Design Intensives

Staff learned how to translate their program outcomes into course outcomes, find appropriate assessment strategies and then adopt learning activities that connect the outcomes with the students' demonstration of learning. The intensives can be modified for a variety of lengths and modes of delivery. Find out more about the next offering of this course.

Learn more about the Teaching & Learning Centre at Selkirk College.